Thursday, August 16, 2012

As with other material available only online

The new Doctor Who series has had several references to Star Trek. In The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances Rose introduces the Doctor to Captain Jack as Doctor Spock and uses the phrase "Give me some Spock" when she wants an explanation. In The Impossible Astronaut a woman meets an alien and asks if it's some sort of Star Trek mask.

Both The Simpsons and Futurama television series and others have had many individual episodes parodying Star Trek or with Trek allusions.[80] An entire series of films and novels from Finland titled Star Wreck also parodies Star Trek.[81]

Star Trek has been parodied in several non-English movies, including the German Traumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 which features a gay version of The Original Series bridge crew and a Turkish film that spoofs that same series' episode "The Man Trap" in one of the series of films based on the character Turist Ă–mer
The online fan-produced Star Trek: Phase II series is permitted by CBS and Paramount Pictures since no profit is being made from it. The son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Eugene Roddenberry Jr., has served as consulting producer, and several members the original series cast have given it their support.[83] Both actors and writers involved with official Star Trek have contributed. Actress Denise Crosby has played the grandmother of her Next Generation character, and both George Takei and Walter Koenig have played older versions of the same characters they played on Star Trek. The second episode, entitled "To Serve All My Days", was written by original series writer D.C. Fontana[84] and other former Trek writers have contributed their talent.

The episode "World Enough and Time" was nominated for the prestigious[85] Hugo award, competing against episodes of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Battlestar Galactica.[86]

As with other material available only online in the form of "webisodes", the Internet Movie Database lists this as a television series.


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